

Join the T.R.E.E.S. School Program to
Unlock Unlimited Resources

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Teaching Reforestation, Environmental Engagement, And Sustainability

One Tree Planted's FREE grade school program designed for K-12 helps teachers and parents discuss environmental education with fun and engaging lessons, modules, videos and activities.

Let's get the next generation of environmental stewards excited about how they can make a big difference through small actions.

Lesson Plans

We provide educational materials to help you plan fun lessons about the importance of forests. Teach students how trees affect the 6 pillars: air, water, biodiversity, social impact, health, and climate.

Lesson Plans

We provide educational materials to help you plan fun lessons about the importance of forests. Teach students how trees affect the 6 pillars: air, water, biodiversity, social impact, health, and climate.


Our modules cover the 6 pillars of Why Trees Matter, Global Forest Watch, Green Innovation, Carbon Footprint and more. Mix and match components that can be introduced depending on your individual classroom interests and needs.


Our modules cover the 6 pillars of Why Trees Matter, Global Forest Watch, Green Innovation, Carbon Footprint and more. Mix and match components that can be introduced depending on your individual classroom interests and needs.


Gain access to different resources including infographics, e-books, videos, activities, and more! Make learning about the environment and climate fun and interactive!


Gain access to different resources including infographics, e-books, videos, activities, and more! Make learning about the environment and climate fun and interactive!


When you sign your class, club, group of friends or school up to fundraise with One Tree Planted, you have the ability to make a big impact. Every dollar donated plants one tree, and collectively, schools can drive environmental change!


When you sign your class, club, group of friends or school up to fundraise with One Tree Planted, you have the ability to make a big impact. Every dollar donated plants one tree, and collectively, schools can drive environmental change!

Little Tree Huggers

little kids. big impact.


Kids are the future of the planet and regularly demonstrate an inspiring willingness to stand up for it. We want to empower them to do just that!

That's why we are accepting proposals from 5-12 year olds throughout the United States and Canada to fund their big environmental action ideas. Projects can be anything from planting a tree at their school to starting a compost program. We want to support it all!


Get the Resources

Fill out the form to get access to the program!

Lauren - One Tree Planted


Community Cultivator

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